Announced for publication the last of June!


and Other Gay Adventures

• 15 stories by Harry Otis

• 4 full-text reprints from ONE Magazine

• 11 new stories nominated by the editors of ONE as the "best"

• Published by ONE, Incorporated

LUSTY STORIES of the gay, wicked Orient, Asia, Egypt, Turkey, South America

RACY READABLE TALES that are both saucy and sexy. But all in the affectionate style of Harry Otis.

AN EXUBERANT, SENTIMENTAL magic lantern collection. A lively, informative tour of meeting cigar-smoking women, handsome Aztec youths, deepchested, muscled negroes, correct British steamship passengers, by one who saw it all and brought it back as only he could have done.

SURE FIRE ENTERTAINMENT... Harry Otis is above all a real storyteller... and he is sure to provide a lot of fun for his readers.

KEVAL Brings you a most memorable reading experience. Fullsize, paper-back, two color cover.

NOTE: For a limited time before publication the last of June, KEVAL may be bought for $1.65. After publication, $1.95.

ORDER NOW to insure earliest delivery

ONE Incorporated, 232 S. Hill St.

Los Angeles 12, Calif.